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Industry: Agriculture
With the infatuation of bugs on every child's mind, Imperial Pest Prevention of Daytona Beach, FL. looks to assist its school systems in Volusia and Flagler County.
Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Flagler County, Florida (PRUnderground) November 28th, 2016

It is no secret that Bugs are a fan favorite among most pre- kindergarten through elementary schoolers. But so often these children have very little understanding of the importance of the various insects, the benefits of, the function they provided in our ecosystem, and all around why they inhabit our earth.
It appears that one local pest control company, Imperial Pest Prevention, located in Daytona Beach, Florida looks to help its Volusia and Flagler County school system’s by offering short one hour guest speaking services on the topic of, yes, you guessed it….. Bugs! It appears they will offer the one hour service on topics that can range from Termites or as those other creepy crawlers such as Ants, Cockroaches, Bed Bugs, Rodents etc. Because of the usual time restraints of guest speaking, a classes busy schedule, and the attention span of the little ones, spokes person, Certified Entomologist/ Owner Jonathan Stoddard of Imperial Pest Prevention stated “That the service topics discussed will be in the hands of the teachers to determine what they feel would be the best topic of discussion for the class.” He also went on to mention that this is a great way to allow a class vote prior, to excite the children prior to arrival, and it gives the teacher a nice small rest period that they much are in need of.
When asked what the benefits of this program may offer to the community and School system the response was quite simple with a pause followed up by a definitive to the point answer. “Education……. There is various benefits to a program such as this. First and foremost, education and safety, there are many poisonous insects and spiders in Florida that should not be handled or touched. This program will not focus on what bugs/ insects can be touched or handled but more of why we do not touch any insect period, and the reasons as to why.” He also went on to mention that the pest control is a multi billion dollar industry, and though not a glorified career, it has many facets and career opportunities, these presentations could yield the pest control industries next top leaders.
It appears that Imperial Pest Prevention seeks to educate the little ones on not just insect safety, the importance of insects, but perhaps maybe a future new employee recruitment along the way!
About Imperial Pest Prevention
Imperial Pest Prevention is full service pest control company specializing in Termite Control, Pest Control, Lawn and Shrub Spraying etc. Imperial Pest Prevention is licensed by the state of Florida and enjoys a high level of customer service while maintaining high rated reviews on Google and other internet sources. All Imperial Pest Prevention technicians are state qualified and receive ongoing mandatory training to remain compliant to the constant changing industry laws, regulations, and ever-changing pest control industry.
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